Thursday, February 9, 2012

Concurrent Development in Informatica Environment

This is something which came up for discussion at Informatica Forum today .Here is what I think on this . Do add your thoughts on this .

Make sure ETL detail design is over before you start concurrent development.
  • Create folders for different areas of the warehouse like Staging , Summery , Dimensions, Facts ,Shared components etc .
  • Within each folder you can further expand concurrent development by dividing different activities .Ex : One resource makes sure all the sources for mappings are imported/created , another resourcefocusses on all targets , One resource makes sure all the shared components are at one place(this activity needs to be done multiple times)
  • Once all the above steps are done developers can start developing mappings concurrently .So theinitial responsibility of the developers remains and on top of it they take add on responsibility to develop mappings for some dimension loads, fact loads or loads to staging tables etc .
For us the multiple folder approach along with some division of work at the beginning helped to move ahead .

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